Source code for pycanape.canape

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-present Artur Drogunow <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import ctypes
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Lock
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Union

from .cnp_api.cnp_class import (
from .cnp_api.cnp_constants import (
from .cnp_api.cnp_prototype import CANapeDll
from .config import RC
from .module import Module
from .recorder import Recorder
from .utils import (

[docs] class AppVersion(NamedTuple): main_version: int sub_version: int service_pack: int app_name: str
[docs] class DllVersion(NamedTuple): dll_main_version: int dll_sub_version: int dll_release: int os_version: str os_release: int
[docs] class CANape: def __init__( self, project_path: Union[str, Path], fifo_size: int = 128, sample_size: int = 256, time_out: int = 0, clear_device_list: bool = True, modal_mode: bool = False, kill_open_instances: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initialize and start the CANape runtime environment. The first parameter sets the project path where the A2L file and the other configuration files are located. The FIFO and sample size buffer are used for the measurement buffer. The whole memory is calculated by the following formula: Size = FIFO * sample. :param project_path: Sets the path of the working folder :param fifo_size: Sets the FIFO buffer size for the measurement :param sample_size: Sets the sample buffer size for the measurement :param time_out: Sets the timeout in ms :param clear_device_list: clear_device_list = True -> all devices are cleared clear_device_list = False -> all devices are added, which are described in the CANape.ini :param modal_mode: Sets the start mode of CANape Value: modal_mode = True -> non-modal (Python Client and CANape) modal_mode = False -> modal (only Python Client) :param kill_open_instances: If True, close all open CANape instances before start. """ _dll_path: Optional[Path] = kwargs.get("_dll_path") if _dll_path is None: _dll_path = get_canape_dll_path() self._dll = CANapeDll(_dll_path) if kill_open_instances: _kill_canape_processes() self.asap3_handle = TAsap3Hdl() # fmt: off self._dll.Asap3Init5( ctypes.pointer(self.asap3_handle), # TAsap3Hdl * hdl, time_out, # unsigned long responseTimeout, str(project_path).encode('ascii'), # const char *workingDir, fifo_size, # unsigned long fifoSize, sample_size, # unsigned long sampleSize, False, # bool debugMode, clear_device_list, # bool clearDeviceList, False, # bool bHexmode, modal_mode, # bool bModalMode ) # fmt: on self._modules: Dict[int, Module] = {} self._callbacks: Dict[EventCode, Set[Callable[[], Any]]] = {} # register callbacks for every event type self._c_event_callback = EVENT_CALLBACK(self._on_event) self._callback_lock = Lock() for event_code in EventCode: self._callbacks[event_code] = set() self._dll.Asap3RegisterCallBack( self.asap3_handle, event_code, self._c_event_callback, event_code, ) def _on_event(self, _hdl: TAsap3Hdl, private_data: int, /) -> int: # type: ignore[valid-type] """This function is called by CANape.""" with self._callback_lock: event = EventCode(private_data) for func in self._callbacks[event]: try: func() except Exception as exc: warnings.warn( f"Exception in CANape callback for event {}: {exc}", stacklevel=0, ) return 0
[docs] def register_callback( self, event_code: EventCode, callback_func: Callable[[], Any] ) -> None: with self._callback_lock: self._callbacks[event_code].add(callback_func)
[docs] def unregister_callback( self, event_code: EventCode, callback_func: Callable[[], Any] ) -> None: with self._callback_lock: self._callbacks[event_code].remove(callback_func)
[docs] def get_application_version(self) -> AppVersion: """Call this function to get the current version of the server application.""" c_app_version = Appversion() self._dll.Asap3GetApplicationVersion( self.asap3_handle, ctypes.byref(c_app_version), ) app_version = AppVersion( main_version=c_app_version.MainVersion, sub_version=c_app_version.SubVersion, service_pack=c_app_version.ServicePack, app_name=c_app_version.Application.decode(RC["ENCODING"]), ) return app_version
[docs] def get_dll_version(self) -> DllVersion: """Version control""" _version_t = version_t() self._dll.Asap3GetVersion(ctypes.byref(_version_t)) version = DllVersion( dll_main_version=_version_t.dllMainVersion, dll_sub_version=_version_t.dllSubVersion, dll_release=_version_t.dllRelease, os_version=_version_t.osVersion.decode(RC["ENCODING"]), os_release=_version_t.osRelease, ) return version
[docs] def get_project_directory(self) -> str: """Get the current project Directory.""" length = ctypes.c_ulong() self._dll.Asap3GetProjectDirectory( self.asap3_handle, None, ctypes.byref(length), ) buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length.value) self._dll.Asap3GetProjectDirectory( self.asap3_handle, buffer, ctypes.byref(length), ) return buffer.value.decode(RC["ENCODING"])
[docs] def create_module( self, module_name: str, database_filename: Union[str, Path], driver: DriverType, channel: Channels, go_online: bool = True, enable_cache: int = -1, ) -> Module: """The create_module function is used for creating a new module/device and for loading an ASAP2 file or a DB file. The function configures the logical communication channel which will be used (like CCP: 1-4 = CAN1-CAN4) and the driver type like KWPOnCAN, or CCP. The return value contains the instance of the Module class. Example:: module = canape.create_module( module_name="CCPSim", database_filename="C:\\Program Files\\CANape\\CCPsim\\CCPSIM.a2l", driver=defines.tDriverType.ASAP3_DRIVER_CCP, channel=defines.Channels.DEV_CAN1, ) .. note:: If the XCP driver is used, the channel for TCP/IP or UDP has to be set to the value TCP = 255 or UDP = 256 and for FlexRay = 261. :param module_name: Name of the module to create :param database_filename: Sets the path and the name of the a2l or db file :param driver: Set driver type :param channel: Set the logical communication channel to be used from CANape :param go_online: indicates, that the new device need to switched ONLINE (allows to create OFFLINE devices) :param enable_cache: enabled the cache (1) oder disables it (0) if this parameter should be ignored it has to be set to (-1) :return: The instance of the Module class """ module_handle = TModulHdl() # fmt: off self._dll.Asap3CreateModule3( self.asap3_handle, # TAsap3Hdl hdl module_name.encode('ascii'), # const char * moduleName str(database_filename).encode('ascii'), # const char * databaseFilename driver.value, # short driverType channel.value, # short channelNo go_online, # bool goOnline enable_cache, # short enablecache ctypes.byref(module_handle), # TModulHdl * module ) # fmt: on if module_handle.value not in self._modules: self._modules[module_handle.value] = Module( dll=self._dll, asap3_handle=self.asap3_handle, module_handle=module_handle, ) return self._modules[module_handle.value]
[docs] def get_module_count(self) -> int: """Returns the count of instantiated Modules in the current Project. :return: number of modules """ count = ctypes.c_ulong(0) self._dll.Asap3GetModuleCount( self.asap3_handle, # TAsap3Hdl hdl ctypes.byref(count), # unsigned long *count ) return count.value
[docs] def get_module_by_name(self, module_name: str) -> Module: """Get existing module (created by another application) by name. :param module_name: name of device :return: an instance of the Module class """ module_handle = TModulHdl() self._dll.Asap3GetModuleHandle( self.asap3_handle, # TAsap3Hdl hdl module_name.encode(RC["ENCODING"]), # const char *moduleName ctypes.byref(module_handle), # TModulHdl * module ) if module_handle.value not in self._modules: self._modules[module_handle.value] = Module( dll=self._dll, asap3_handle=self.asap3_handle, module_handle=module_handle, ) return self._modules[module_handle.value]
[docs] def get_module_by_index(self, module_index: int) -> Module: """Get existing module (created by another application) by index. :param module_index: index of device :return: an instance of the Module class """ module_handle = TModulHdl(module_index) # check if Module instance exists if module_handle.value in self._modules: module = self._modules[module_handle.value] # create new Module instance else: module = Module( dll=self._dll, asap3_handle=self.asap3_handle, module_handle=module_handle, ) # check validity try: module.get_module_name() except CANapeError: if module_handle.value in self._modules: self._modules.pop(module_handle.value) raise CANapeError( ErrorCodes.AEC_INVALID_MODULE_HDL.value,, f"{self.__class__.__name__}.get_module_by_index", ) from None self._modules[module_handle.value] = module return self._modules[module_handle.value]
[docs] def set_interactive_mode(self, mode: bool) -> None: """Enables the Interactive mode of CANape. :param mode: Set this parameter to true to enable the interactive mode, otherwise set this paramater to false """ self._dll.Asap3SetInteractiveMode( self.asap3_handle, # TAsap3Hdl hdl mode, # bool mode )
[docs] def popup_debug_window(self) -> None: """Trouble shooting: call this function to popup the debug window of the MCD-system.""" self._dll.Asap3PopupDebugWindow(self.asap3_handle)
[docs] def is_network_activated(self, network_name: str) -> bool: """Receives the state a given network interface. :param network_name: The name of the network as string :return: state of network (True = active) or (False = disactivated) """ bln = ctypes.c_bool() self._dll.Asap3IsNetworkActivated( self.asap3_handle, network_name.encode(RC["ENCODING"]), ctypes.byref(bln) ) return bln.value
[docs] def reset_data_acquisition_channels(self) -> None: """Clears the data acquisition channel list. .. note:: this function only clears these measurement objects from the API-Measurement-List which are defined by API """ self._dll.Asap3ResetDataAcquisitionChnls(self.asap3_handle)
[docs] def start_data_acquisition(self) -> None: """Start data acquisition.""" self._dll.Asap3StartDataAcquisition(self.asap3_handle)
[docs] def stop_data_acquisition(self) -> None: """Stop data acquisition.""" self._dll.Asap3StopDataAcquisition(self.asap3_handle)
[docs] def get_recorder_count(self) -> int: """Return count of defined Recorders.""" c_count = ctypes.c_ulong() self._dll.Asap3GetRecorderCount( self.asap3_handle, ctypes.byref(c_count), ) return c_count.value
[docs] def define_recorder( self, recorder_name: str, recorder_type: RecorderType = RecorderType.eTRecorderTypeMDF, ) -> Recorder: """Creates a new Recorder. :param recorder_name: the name of the new Recorder :param recorder_type: recorder type (e.g. eTRecorderTypeMDF, eTRecorderTypeILinkRT or eTRecorderTypeBLF) :return: an instance of the `Recorder` class """ c_recorder_id = TRecorderID() self._dll.Asap3DefineRecorder( self.asap3_handle, recorder_name.encode(RC["ENCODING"]), ctypes.byref(c_recorder_id), recorder_type, ) return Recorder( dll=self._dll, asap3_handle=self.asap3_handle, recorder_id=c_recorder_id )
[docs] def get_recorder_by_index(self, index: int) -> Recorder: c_recorder_id = TRecorderID() self._dll.Asap3GetRecorderByIndex( self.asap3_handle, index, ctypes.byref(c_recorder_id), ) return Recorder( dll=self._dll, asap3_handle=self.asap3_handle, recorder_id=c_recorder_id )
[docs] def get_selected_recorder(self) -> Recorder: """Retrieve the currently selected Recorder""" c_recorder_id = TRecorderID() self._dll.Asap3GetSelectedRecorder( self.asap3_handle, ctypes.byref(c_recorder_id), ) return Recorder( dll=self._dll, asap3_handle=self.asap3_handle, recorder_id=c_recorder_id )
[docs] def get_measurement_state(self) -> MeasurementState: """Get the current state of the measurement.""" c_state = enum_type() self._dll.Asap3GetMeasurementState( self.asap3_handle, ctypes.byref(c_state), ) return MeasurementState(c_state.value)
[docs] def has_mcd3_license(self) -> bool: """Check if the MCD option is enabled.""" c_bln = ctypes.c_bool() self._dll.Asap3HasMCD3License( self.asap3_handle, ctypes.byref(c_bln), ) return c_bln.value
[docs] def get_cna_filename(self) -> str: """Call this function to get the current name of the used CNA file. This name is only available if CANape run in the nonmodal ASAP3 mode. :return: Path to .cna file """ length = ctypes.c_ulong() self._dll.Asap3GetCNAFilename( self.asap3_handle, None, ctypes.byref(length), ) buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length.value) self._dll.Asap3GetCNAFilename( self.asap3_handle, buffer, ctypes.byref(length), ) return buffer.value.decode(RC["ENCODING"])
[docs] def load_cna_file(self, cna_file: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Call this function to load a configuration file (CNA).""" self._dll.Asap3LoadCNAFile( self.asap3_handle, str(cna_file).encode(RC["ENCODING"]) )
[docs] def exit(self, close_canape: bool = True) -> None: """Shut down ASAP3 connection to CANape with optional termination of CANape. :param close_canape: close CANape application if True """ self._dll.Asap3Exit2( self.asap3_handle, # TAsap3Hdl hdl close_canape, # bool close_CANape )