Source code for pycanape.cnp_api.cnp_constants

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-present Artur Drogunow <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import typing
from enum import IntEnum

import numpy as np

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    import numpy.typing as npt

DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION = b"02.03.01.Windows95/WindowsNT.1  "
CANAPE_API_OS_VERSION = b"Windows95/WindowsNT"


# Definitions used by function Asap3GetApplicationSettings


# Definitions used by function Asap3GetDatabaseObjectsByType
TDBE_VALUE_SCALAR = 0x00000001  # definition for scalar object selection
TDBE_VALUE_CURVE = 0x00000002  # definition for curve object selection
TDBE_VALUE_MAP = 0x00000004  # definition for map object selection
TDBE_VALUE_AXIS = 0x00000008  # definition for axis object selection
TDBE_VALUE_ASCII = 0x00000010  # definition for ASCII object selection
TDBE_VALUE_VALBLK = 0x00000020  # definition for Value Block object selection
TDBE_VALUE_TEMPLATE = 0x00000040  # definition for Includeing templates
)  # definition for all object types without templates
)  # definition for all object types including templates

[docs] class ErrorCodes(IntEnum): AEC_CMD_NOT_SUP = 1 # Command not supported AEC_INTERFACE_NOTSUPPORTED = 2 # Interface type not supported AEC_CREATE_MEM_MAPPED_FILE = 3 # Error creating memory mapped file AEC_WRITE_CMD = 4 # Error writing data to memory mapped file AEC_READ_RESPONSE = 5 # Error reading response from memory mapped file AEC_ASAP2_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 6 # ASAP2 file not found AEC_INVALID_MODULE_HDL = 7 # Invalid module handle AEC_ERR_OPEN_FILE = 8 # Open file error AEC_UNKNOWN_OBJECT = 9 # Unknown object name AEC_NO_DATABASE = 10 # No database assigned AEC_PAR_SIZE_OVERFLOW = 11 # Parameter 'size' too large AEC_NOT_WRITE_ACCESS = 12 # Object has no write access AEC_OBJECT_TYPE_DOESNT_MATCH = 13 # Object type doens't match AEC_NO_TASKS_OVERFLOW = 14 # Number of tasks overflow AEC_CCP_RESPONSE_SIZE_INVALID = 15 # Invalid CCP response size AEC_TIMEOUT_RESPONSE = 16 # Timeout reading response from memory mapped file AEC_NO_VALUES_SAMPLED = 17 # FIFO doesn't contain any values AEC_ACQ_CHNL_OVERRUN = 18 # Too many channels defined relating to single raster AEC_NO_RASTER_OVERFLOW = 19 # Too many rasters selected for data acquisition (overflow of internal parameter) AEC_CANAPE_CREATE_PROC_FAILED = 20 # CreateProcess of CANape failed AEC_EXIT_DENIED_WHILE_ACQU = ( 21 # Asap3Exit denied because data acquistion is still running ) AEC_WRITE_DATA_FAILED = 22 # Error writing data to application RAM AEC_NO_RESPONSE_FROM_ECU = 23 # No response from ECU (attach Asap2 failed) AEC_ACQUIS_ALREADY_RUNNING = ( 24 # Asap3StartDataAcquisition denied: data acquisition already running ) AEC_ACQUIS_NOT_STARTED = ( 25 # Asap3StopAcquisition denied: data acquisition not started ) AEC_VALUES_NOT_ACCESSIBLE = 26 # If cache is disabled, values aren't accessible while acquisition is running AEC_NO_AXIS_PTS_NOT_VALID = ( 27 # Invalid number of axis points (see following note). ) AEC_SCRIPT_CMD_TO_LARGE = 28 # Script command size overflow AEC_SCRIPT_CMD_INVALID = 29 # Invalid/unknown script command AEC_UNKNOWN_MODULE_NAME = 30 # Unknown module AEC_FIFO_INTERNAL_ERROR = 31 # CANape internal error concerning FIFO management AEC_VERSION_ERROR = 32 # Access denied: incompatible CANape version AEC_ILLEGAL_DRIVER = 33 # Illegal driver type AEC_CALOBJ_READ_FAILED = 34 # Read of calibration object failed AEC_ACQ_STP_INIT_FAILED = 35 # Initialization of data acquisition failed AEC_ACQ_STP_PROC_FAILED = 36 # Data acquisition failed AEC_ACQ_STP_OVERFLOW = 37 # Buffer overflow at data acquisition AEC_ACQ_STP_TIME_OVER = ( 38 # Data acquisition stopped because selected time is elapsed ) AEC_NOSERVER_ERRCODE = 40 # No Server application available AEC_ERR_OPEN_DATADESCFILE = ( 41 # Unable to open data description file, may be nonexistent ) AEC_ERR_OPEN_DATAVERSFILE = 42 # Unable to open a data file AEC_TO_MUCH_DISPLAYS_OPEN = 43 # Maximal count of displays are opened AEC_INTERNAL_CANAPE_ERROR = 44 # Attempt to create a module failed AEC_CANT_OPEN_DISPLAY = 45 # Unable to open a display AEC_ERR_NO_PATTERNFILE_DEFINED = 46 # No parameter filename AEC_ERR_OPEN_PATTERNFILE = 47 # Unable to open patternfile AEC_ERR_CANT_RELEASE_MUTEX = 48 # Release of a mutex failed AEC_WRONG_CANAPE_VERSION = 49 # Canape does not fit to dll version AEC_TCP_SERV_CONNECT_FAILED = 50 # Connect to ASAP3 server failed AEC_TCP_MISSING_CFG = 51 # Missing CANape TCP Server configuration AEC_TCP_SERV_NOT_CONNECTED = ( 52 # Connection between ASAP3 Server and TCP CANapeAPI is not active ) AEC_TCP_EXIT_NOTCLOSED = 53 # AEC_FIFO_ALREADY_INIT = ( 54 # The FIFO Memory was already created. Close all conections to reconfigure. ) AEC_ILLEGAL_OPERATION = 55 # It is not possible to operate this command AEC_WRONG_TYPE = 56 # The given type is not supported AEC_NO_CANAPE_LICENSE = 57 # CANape is not licensed AEC_REG_OPEN_KEY_FAILED = 58 # Key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\VECTOR\\CANape" missing at Windows Registry, maybe CANape setup has not been correctly performed AEC_REG_QUERY_VALUE_FAILED = 59 # Value "Path" missing at Windows Registry, maybe CANape setup has not been correctly performed AEC_WORKDIR_ACCESS_FAILED = ( 60 # CreateProcess of CANape failed: working directory not accessible/exists ) AEC_INIT_COM_FAILED = 61 # Internal error: Asap3InitCom() failed AEC_INIT_CMD_FAILED = 62 # Negative Response from CANape: Init() failed AEC_CANAPE_INVALID_PRG_PATH = 63 # CreateProcess of CANape failed: programme directory not accessible/nonexistent AEC_INVALID_ASAP3_HDL = 64 # Invalid asap3 handle AEC_LOADING_FILE = 65 # File loading failed AEC_SAVING_FILE = 66 # File saving failed AEC_UPLOAD = 67 # Upload failed AEC_WRITE_VALUE_ERROR = 68 # Value could not be written AEC_TMTF_NOT_FINSHED = 69 # Other file transmission in process AEC_TMTF_SEQUENCE_ERROR = 70 # TransmitFile: sequence error (internal error) AEC_TDBO_TYPE_ERROR = 71 # TransmitFile: sequence error (internal error) AEC_EXECUTE_SERVICE_ERROR = 72 # Asap3_CCP_Request failed AEC_INVALID_DRIVERTYPE = 73 # Invalid drivertype for this operation AEC_DIAG_INVALID_DRIVERTYPE = 74 # Invalid drivertype for for diagnostic operations AEC_DIAG_INVALID_BUSMESSAGE = 75 # Invalid BusMessage AEC_DIAG_INVALID_VARIANT = 76 # Invalid Variant AEC_DIAG_INVALID_DIAGSERVICE = 77 # Invalid or unknown request AEC_DIAG_ERR_EXECUTE_SERVICE = 78 # Error while sending service AEC_DIAG_INVALID_PARAMS = 79 # Invalid or unknown request AEC_DIAG_UNKNOWN_PARAM_NAME = 80 # Invalid or unknown parameter name AEC_DIAG_EXCEPTION_ERROR = 81 # Error while creating a request AEC_DIAG_INVALID_RESPONSE = 82 # Error response cannot be handled AEC_DIAG_UNKNOWN_PARAM_TYPE = 83 # Unknown parameter type AEC_DIAG_NO_INFO_AVAILABLE = 84 # Currently no information available AEC_DIAG_UNKNOWN_RESPHANDLE = 85 # Unknown response handle ACE_DIAG_WRONG_SERVICE_STATE = ( 86 # The current request is in the wrong state for this operation ) AEC_DIAG_INVALID_INDEX_SIZE = 87 # Complex index does not match AEC_DIAG_INVALID_RESPONSETYPE = 88 # Invalid response type AEC_FLASH_INVALID_MANAGER = 89 # Flash manager invalid AEC_FLASH_OBJ_OUT_OF_RANGE = 90 # Flash object out of range AEC_FLASH_MANAGER_ERROR = 91 # Flash manager error AEC_FLASH_ALLREADY_RUNNING = 92 # AEC_FLASH_INVALID_APPNAME = 93 # Invalid application name AEC_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED = ( 94 # This function is not supported in this program version ) AEC_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND = 95 # License file not found AEC_RECORDER_ALLREADY_EXISTS = 96 # Recorder already exists AEC_RECORDER_NOT_FOUND = 97 # Recorder does not exists AEC_RECORDER_INDEX_OUTOFRANGE = 98 # Recorder index out of range AEC_REMOVE_RECORDER_ERR = 99 # Error deleting Recorder AEC_INVALID_PARAMETER = 100 # Wrong parameter value AEC_ERROR_CREATERECORDER = 101 # Error creating recorder AEC_ERROR_SETRECFILENAME = 102 # Error creating Filename AEC_ERROR_INVALID_TASKID = 103 # Invalid task id for the given Measurement object AEC_DIAG_PARAM_SETERROR = 104 # Parameter can not be set AEC_CNFG_WRONG_MODE = 105 # command not supported in current mode AEC_CNFG_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 106 # Specified File is Not Found AEC_CNFG_FILE_INVALID = 107 # File belongs to a different project AEC_INVALID_SCR_HANDLE = 108 # Invalid script handle AEC_REMOVE_SCR_HANDLE = 109 # Unable to remove Script AEC_ERROR_DECALRE_SCR = 110 # Unable to declare script AEC_ERROR_RESUME_SUPPORTED = 111 # The requested module doesn't support resume mode AEC_UNDEFINED_CHANNEL = 112 # undefined channel parameter AEC_ERR_DRIVER_CONFIG = 113 # No configuration for this drivertype available AEC_ERR_DCB_EXPORT = 114 # Error creating DBC export file ACE_NOT_AVAILABLE_WHILE_ACQ = ( 115 # Function not available while a measurement is running ) ACE_NOT_MISSING_LICENSE = 116 # ILinkRT Recorder available only with option MCD3 ACE_EVENT_ALLREADY_REGISERED = 117 # Callback Event already registered AEC_OBJECT_ALLREADY_DEFINED = 118 # Measurement object already defined AEC_CAL_NOT_ALLOWED = ( 119 # Calibration not allowed if online calibration is switched off ) AEC_DIAG_UNDEFINED_JOB = 120 # Unknown service AEC_ERROR_MODAL_DIALOG = 121 # Prohibited command while a modal dialog is prompted AEC_ERROR_CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT = 122 # hardware channel assignment" AEC_ERROR_STRUCTURE_OBJECT = ( 123 # Measurement object is already instantiated in a structure object ) AEC_NETWORK_NOT_FOUND = 124 # Network not found or not available AEC_ERROR_LOADING_LABELLIST = 125 # Error loading label list AEC_ERROR_CONV_FILE_ACCESS = ( 126 # Currently the converter has no file access - please try it later ) AEC_ERROR_COMPLEX_RESPONSES = 127 # Function not available for complex responses AEC_ERROR_INIPATH = 128 # Function could not determine the project directory AEC_USUPPORTED_INTERFACE_ID = ( 129 # Interface name is not supported with this drivertype ) AEC_INSUFFICENT_BUFFERSIZE = 130 # Buffer size too small AEC_PATCHENTRY_NOT_FOUND = 131 # Patch section not found AEC_PATCHSECTION_NOT_FOUND = 132 # Patch entry not found AEC_SEC_MANAGER_ERROR = 133 # Security manager access error ACE_CHANNEL_OPTIMIZED = 134 # Measurement channel is optimized because it's parent will already be measured ACE_ERR_PROFILE_ID = 135 # Profile not registered ACE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = 136 # Unsupported data type for measurement ACE_ERR_DATA_SIZE = 137 # Datasize of object too large AEC_CALOBJ_INVALID_VALUE = 138 # Invalid value - object can't be read AEC_ERR_SETTINGSPARAM = 139 # Invalid settings parameter AEC_ERR_UNDEF_SETTINGSPARAM = 140 # Undefined settings parameter ACE_ERR_SBL_ERROR = 141 # Streambased Logging configuration returns error AEC_ERR_CALOBJECT_CREATION = 142 # Calibration Object could not be created AEC_CALOBJ_NO_VALID_VAUE = ( 143 # Warning :No valid Value available for Calibration Object ) AEC_ERR_INTERFACEV3 = 144 # There is no Networkbased Interface defined AEC_ERR_CREATING_MODULE = 145 # An error accourd while creating moidule AEC_ERR_GOINGONLINE = 146 # Unable to switch to online AEC_ERR_PHYSINTERFACE = 147 # Wrong physical interface for this driver AEC_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDINTF = 148 # Wrong physical interface for this driver AEC_ERR_APIPARAMETER = 149 # Wrong physical interface for this driver AEC_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE = 150 # index is out of range AEC_MEASUREMOBJ_NOT_FOUND = 151 # Measurement Object not found AEC_PERMANENT_OFFLINE = ( 152 # Online not possible - CANape is in permanent offline mode ) AEC_OBJNAME_NOT_UNIQUE = 153 # Objectname not unique AEC_INDEX_DO_NOT_MATCH = 154 # Index of Objectname does not unique AEC_LAST_ERRCODE = 155
[docs] class TApplicationType(IntEnum): eUNDEFINED = 0 eCANAPE = 1 eAPPLOCATION = 3
[docs] class TLogicalChannels(IntEnum): ekUndefined = 0 # Undefined logical channel ekCAN = 1 # CAN logical channel ekSXI = 4 # SXI logical channel ekLIN = 6 # LIN logical channel ekFlexRay = 7 # FlexRay logical channel ekUserDefinedDll = 8 # Userdefined logical channel ekETH = 11 # Ethernet logical channel ekDAIO = 13 # DAIO logical channel
[docs] class Channels(IntEnum): DEV_UNDEFINED_CHANNEL_ID = 0 # Definitions for CAN DEV_CAN1 = 1 DEV_CAN2 = 2 DEV_CAN3 = 3 DEV_CAN4 = 4 DEV_CAN5 = 5 DEV_CAN6 = 6 DEV_CAN7 = 7 DEV_CAN8 = 8 DEV_CAN20 = 20 # Definitions for FlexRay 1 - 8 DEV_FLX1 = 31 DEV_FLX2 = 32 DEV_FLX3 = 33 DEV_FLX4 = 34 DEV_FLX5 = 35 DEV_FLX6 = 36 DEV_FLX7 = 37 DEV_FLX8 = 38 # Definitions for LIN 1 - 8 DEV_LIN1 = 61 DEV_LIN2 = 62 DEV_LIN3 = 63 DEV_LIN4 = 64 DEV_LIN5 = 65 DEV_LIN6 = 66 DEV_LIN7 = 67 DEV_LIN8 = 68 # Definitions for CAN on VX 1-4 DEV_VX_CAN1 = 81 DEV_VX_CAN2 = 82 DEV_VX_CAN3 = 83 DEV_VX_CAN4 = 84 # Definitions for TCP on VX DEV_VX_TCP = 85 DEV_VX_UDP = 86 # Definitions for SXI DEV_SXI1 = 91 DEV_SXI2 = 92 DEV_SXI3 = 93 DEV_SXI4 = 94 DEV_SXI5 = 95 DEV_SXI6 = 96 DEV_SXI7 = 97 DEV_SXI8 = 98 # Definitions for USB DEV_USB = 110 # Definitions for CAN CANFD DEV_CANFD1 = 121 DEV_CANFD2 = 122 DEV_CANFD3 = 123 DEV_CANFD4 = 124 DEV_CANFD5 = 125 DEV_CANFD6 = 126 DEV_CANFD7 = 127 DEV_CANFD8 = 128 DEV_CANFD9 = 129 # Definitions for TCP DEV_TCP = 255 # Definitions for UDP DEV_UDP = 256 # Definitions for user defined Interface DEV_USERDEFINED = 261 # Definitions for user Ethernet Interface DEV_VX_ETHERNET1 = 271 DEV_VX_ETHERNET2 = 272 # Definitions for user DAIO Interface DEV_DAIO_DLL = 280
[docs] class DriverType(IntEnum): """Value of parameter 'driverType' of subroutine Asap3CreateModule()""" ASAP3_DRIVER_UNKNOWN = 0 # Default value for Error case(must not be used) ASAP3_DRIVER_CCP = 1 # CCP: CAN calibration protocol ASAP3_DRIVER_XCP = 2 # XCP ASAP3_DRIVER_CAN = 20 # CAN ASAP3_DRIVER_HEXEDIT = 40 # Pure offine driver ASAP3_DRIVER_ANALOG = ( 50 # Analog measurement data(e.g. 'National Instruments' PCMCIA - card) ) ASAP3_DRIVER_CANOPEN = 60 # CANopen ASAP3_DRIVER_CANDELA = 70 # CANdela Diagnostic ASAP3_DRIVER_ENVIRONMENT = 80 # Environment - access to global variables ASAP3_DRIVER_LIN = 90 # LIN Driver ASAP3_DRIVER_FLX = 100 # FlexRay ASAP3_DRIVER_FUNC = 110 # Functonal Diagnostic Driver ASAP3_DRIVER_NIDAQMX = 120 # NI DAQ Driver 'National Instruments' ASAP3_DRIVER_XCP_RAMSCOPE = 130 # XCP Driver for Ramscope ASAP3_DRIVER_SYSTEM = 140 # System driver ASAP3_DRIVER_ETH = 150 # Ethernet driver ASAP3_DAIO_SYSTEM = 160 # DAIO_SYSTEM driver ASAP3_DRIVER_SOME_IP = 170 # SOME-IP driver ASAP3_DRIVER_DLT = 180 # DLT driver
[docs] class TFormat(IntEnum): """Format of ECU measurement or calibration data""" ECU_INTERNAL = 0 PHYSICAL_REPRESENTATION = 1
[docs] class ValueType(IntEnum): """Valid types of ECU measurement or calibration data""" VALUE = 0 # Represents scalar object CURVE = 1 # Represents curve object MAP = 2 # Represents map object AXIS = 3 # Represents axis object ASCII = 4 # Represents ASCII string object VAL_BLK = 5 # Represents ValueBlock
[docs] class TSettingsParameterType(IntEnum): """Valid Parameter type for INI driversettings and Template Parameters""" e_cfgType_Undef = 0 # Represents signed type for setting use cases e_cfgType_SIGNED = 10 # Represents signed type for setting use cases e_cfgType_UNSIGNED = 20 # Represents unsigned real type for setting use cases e_cfgType_REAL = 30 # Represents real type for setting use cases e_cfgType_TEXT = 40 # Represents string object for setting use cases
[docs] class TParameterClass(IntEnum): """TParameterClass Class ID's of the available parameters""" ePType_Undefined = -1 # undefined Parameter class ePType_CHannelID = 100 # hardware ChannelID <unsigned> ePType_NetWorkName = 101 # hardware Network Name <text> ePType_UseCANFD = 102 # hardware CanFD option <unsigned> ePType_secProfileId = ( 103 # Security Profile ID (used for Diagnostic devices) <unsigned> ) ePType_securityRole = 104 # Security Role (used for Diagnostic devices) <text> ePType_diaginterfaceName = ( 105 # Diagnostic interface (optional part in Diagnostic databases) <text> ) ePType_goOnline = ( 106 # Flag to go online after initialisation of the device <unsigned> ) ePType_enableCache = 107 # Flag to enable a mirror cache after initialisation of the device <unsigned> ePType_descriptionFile = 108 # Device database file (a2l,DB,arxml etc.) <text> ePType_Driver = 109 # Device driver ID <unsigned> ePType_DeviceName = 110 # Devicename <text> ePType_DriverAsText = 111 # Device driver ID as string <text>
[docs] class ObjectType(IntEnum): """Selector to declare an object to be used for measurement or calibration""" OTT_MEASURE = 0 # Represents Measurement objects OTT_CALIBRATE = 1 # Represents Calibration and writeable Measurement objects OTT_UNKNOWN = 2 # Fallback value - should not appear!
[docs] class TAsap3DataType(IntEnum): """possible datatypes of caracteristic objectes""" TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0 # Defaultvalue - should not occur TYPE_INT = 1 # Characteristic Object is type of integer TYPE_FLOAT = 2 # Characteristic Object is type of float TYPE_DOUBLE = 3 # Characteristic Object is type of double TYPE_SIGNED = 4 # Characteristic Object is type of signed TYPE_UNSIGNED = 5 # Characteristic Object is type of unsigned TYPE_STRING = 6 # Characteristic Object is type of ASCII string TYPE_INT64 = 7 # Characteristic Object is type of 64bit integer TYPE_UINT64 = 8 # Characteristic Object is type of 64bit integer TYPE_UWORD = 9 # Characteristic Object is type of unsigned word TYPE_WORD = 10 # Characteristic Object is type of signed word TYPE_UINT = 11 # Characteristic Object is type of unsigned int TYPE_UBYTE = 12 # Characteristic Object is type of BYTE TYPE_SBYTE = 13 # Characteristic Object is type of character TYPE_FLOAT16 = 14 # Characteristic Object is type of 16bit float @property def dtype(self) -> "npt.DTypeLike": datatype_map: typing.Dict[TAsap3DataType, "npt.DTypeLike"] = { TAsap3DataType.TYPE_INT: np.int32, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_FLOAT: np.float32, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_DOUBLE: np.float64, # TAsap3DataType.TYPE_SIGNED: np.int16, # TODO: check with CANape 17 # TAsap3DataType.TYPE_UNSIGNED: np.uint16, # TODO: check with CANape 17 TAsap3DataType.TYPE_STRING: np.uint8, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_INT64: np.int64, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_UINT64: np.uint64, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_UWORD: np.uint16, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_WORD: np.int16, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_UINT: np.uint32, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_UBYTE: np.uint8, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_SBYTE: np.int8, TAsap3DataType.TYPE_FLOAT16: np.float16, } return datatype_map[self]
[docs] class TAsap3DBOType(IntEnum): """possible database object types""" DBTYPE_MEASUREMENT = 1 # Selects measurement objects from the database DBTYPE_CHARACTERISTIC = 2 # Selects characteristic objects from the database DBTYPE_ALL = ( 3 # Selects both, measurement and characteristic objects from the database )
[docs] class TAsap3ECUState(IntEnum): """possible On-Offline states of the ECU""" TYPE_SWITCH_ONLINE = 0 # Switches the ECU state from offline to online TYPE_SWITCH_OFFLINE = 1 # Switches the ECU state from online to offline
[docs] class RecorderType(IntEnum): """Typedefinition for Recordertypes""" eTRecorderTypeMDF = 0 eTRecorderTypeILinkRT = 1 eTRecorderTypeBLF = 2
[docs] class RecorderState(IntEnum): """Possible states of the Recorder""" e_RecConfigure = 0 # Recorder is configured e_RecActive = 1 # Recorder is active and ready to run e_RecRunning = 2 # Recorder is running e_RecPaused = 3 # Recorder paused but measurement is still running e_Suspended = 4 # Recorder has stopped
[docs] class MeasurementState(IntEnum): eT_MEASUREMENT_STOPPED = 0 # Keine Messung eT_MEASUREMENT_INIT = 1 # Messung gestartet, Messthread laeuft noch nicht eT_MEASUREMENT_STOP_ON_START = 2 # Messung wird in prStart per funktion beendet eT_MEASUREMENT_EXIT = 3 # Messung ist gestoppt, aber noch nicht beendet eT_MEASUREMENT_THREAD_RUNNING = 4 # Messung gestartet, Messthread laeuft eT_MEASUREMENT_RUNNING = 5 # Messschleife laeuft
[docs] class DBFileType(IntEnum): UNKNOWN = 0 ASAP2 = 1 DB = 2 DBB = 3 DBC = 4 CANDELA = 5 ODF = 6 EDS = 7 EHR = 8 ROB = 9 LST = 10 LDF = 11 CDM = 12 MDF = 13 XML = 14 Update = 15 CDP = 16 LostVariable = 17 PDX = 18 AutosarXML = 19 System = 20 Anonymous = 21
[docs] class TScriptStatus(IntEnum): eTScrReady = 1 eTScrStarting = 2 eTScrRunning = 3 eTScrSleeping = 4 eTScrSuspended = 5 eTScrTerminated = 6 eTScrFinishedReturn = 7 eTScrFinishedCancel = 8 eTScrFailure = 9 eTScrTimeout = 10 eTScrDelayedCompiling = 11 eTScrException = 12