Source code for pycanape.module

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-present Artur Drogunow <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import copy
import ctypes
import fnmatch
import os.path
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional

from .calibration_object import CalibrationObject, get_calibration_object
from .cnp_api.cnp_class import (
from .cnp_api.cnp_constants import DBFileType, DriverType, TAsap3DBOType, TAsap3ECUState
from .cnp_api.cnp_prototype import CANapeDll
from .config import RC
from .ecu_task import EcuTask
from .script import Script

[docs] class MeasurementListEntry(NamedTuple): task_id: int rate: int save_flag: bool disabled: bool object_name: str
[docs] class DatabaseInfo(NamedTuple): file_name: str file_path: str file_type: DBFileType
[docs] class Module: def __init__( self, dll: CANapeDll, asap3_handle: TAsap3Hdl, # type: ignore[valid-type] module_handle: TModulHdl, ) -> None: """The :class:`~pycanape.module.Module` class is not meant to be instantiated by the user. Instead, :class:`~pycanape.module.Module` instances are returned by :meth:`~pycanape.canape.CANape.create_module`, :meth:`~pycanape.canape.CANape.get_module_by_index` and :meth:`~pycanape.canape.CANape.get_module_by_name`. :param asap3_handle: :param module_handle: """ self._dll = dll self.asap3_handle = asap3_handle self.module_handle = module_handle self._objects_cache: Optional[List[str]] = None
[docs] def get_database_info(self) -> DatabaseInfo: """Get Info concerning the database file.""" cnp_info = DBFileInfo() self._dll.Asap3GetDatabaseInfo( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, ctypes.byref(cnp_info), ) db_info = DatabaseInfo( file_name=cnp_info.asap2Fname.decode(RC["ENCODING"]), file_path=cnp_info.asap2Path.decode(RC["ENCODING"]), file_type=DBFileType(cnp_info.type), ) return db_info
[docs] def get_database_path(self) -> str: """Get path to database file.""" db_info = self.get_database_info() return os.path.join(db_info.file_path, db_info.file_name)
[docs] def is_module_active(self) -> bool: """Return the activation state of the module. :return: activation state """ active = ctypes.c_bool() self._dll.Asap3IsModuleActive( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, ctypes.byref(active), ) return active.value
[docs] def module_activation(self, activate: bool = True) -> None: """Switches the module activation state. :param activate: True -> activate Module False -> deactivate Module """ self._dll.Asap3ModuleActivation( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, activate, )
[docs] def is_ecu_online(self) -> bool: """Asks CANape whether a ECU is online or offline""" ecu_state = enum_type() self._dll.Asap3IsECUOnline( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, ctypes.byref(ecu_state) ) if ecu_state.value == TAsap3ECUState.TYPE_SWITCH_ONLINE: return True return False
[docs] def switch_ecu_on_offline(self, online: bool, download: bool = True) -> None: """Switches an ECU from online to offline and vice versa. :param online: Switch ECU online if True, switch ECU offline if False :param download: if this parameter is set to true CANape will execute an download in case of online = True """ ecu_state = ( TAsap3ECUState.TYPE_SWITCH_ONLINE if online else TAsap3ECUState.TYPE_SWITCH_OFFLINE ) self._dll.Asap3ECUOnOffline( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, ecu_state, download, )
[docs] def get_module_name(self) -> str: """Get name of module.""" buffer = ctypes.c_char_p() ptr = ctypes.pointer(buffer) self._dll.Asap3GetModuleName( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, ptr, ) return buffer.value.decode(RC["ENCODING"]) # type: ignore[union-attr]
[docs] def get_communication_type(self) -> str: """Get current communication type (e.g. "CAN").""" buffer = ctypes.c_char_p() self._dll.Asap3GetCommunicationType( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, ctypes.pointer(buffer), ) return buffer.value.decode(RC["ENCODING"]) # type: ignore[union-attr]
[docs] def get_database_objects(self) -> List[str]: """Get a list of all object names in database. :return: List of object names """ if self._objects_cache is None: length = ctypes.c_ulong(0) self._dll.Asap3GetDatabaseObjects( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, None, ctypes.byref(length), TAsap3DBOType.DBTYPE_ALL, ) buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length.value) self._dll.Asap3GetDatabaseObjects( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, buffer, ctypes.byref(length), TAsap3DBOType.DBTYPE_ALL, ) self._objects_cache = ( buffer.value.strip(b";").decode(RC["ENCODING"]).split(";") ) return copy.copy(self._objects_cache)
[docs] def get_ecu_tasks(self) -> Dict[str, EcuTask]: """Get available data acquisition tasks. :return: A dictionary with the ecu task description as keys and the `EcuTask` instances as values """ task_info_array = (TTaskInfo2 * 32)() ptr_task_no = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_ushort()) self._dll.Asap3GetEcuTasks2( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, task_info_array, ptr_task_no, 32, ) cnp_task_info_list = [*task_info_array][: ptr_task_no.contents.value] def get_task_instance(task_info: TTaskInfo2) -> EcuTask: return EcuTask( dll=self._dll, asap3_handle=self.asap3_handle, module_handle=self.module_handle, task_info=task_info, ) ecu_task_list = [get_task_instance(ti) for ti in cnp_task_info_list] return {et.description: et for et in ecu_task_list}
[docs] def get_network_name(self) -> str: """Receives the name of the used network.""" size = ctypes.c_uint() self._dll.Asap3GetNetworkName( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, None, ctypes.byref(size), ) buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(size.value) self._dll.Asap3GetNetworkName( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, buffer, ctypes.byref(size), ) return buffer.value.decode(RC["ENCODING"])
[docs] def get_ecu_driver_type(self) -> DriverType: """Retrieves the drivertype of an ECU. :return: DriverType enum """ c_driver_type = enum_type() self._dll.Asap3GetEcuDriverType( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, ctypes.byref(c_driver_type), ) return DriverType(c_driver_type.value)
[docs] def get_calibration_object(self, name: str) -> CalibrationObject: """Get calibration object by name or wildcard pattern (e.g. '\\*InitReset').""" if "*" in name: filtered = fnmatch.filter(names=self.get_database_objects(), pat=name) if len(filtered) == 1: name = filtered[0] return get_calibration_object( dll=self._dll, asap3_handle=self.asap3_handle, module_handle=self.module_handle, name=name, )
[docs] def has_resume_mode(self) -> bool: """Information about the Resume mode. :return: Function returns True if the device supports resume mode. """ bln = ctypes.c_bool() self._dll.Asap3HasResumeMode( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, ctypes.byref(bln), ) return bln.value
[docs] def get_measurement_list_entries(self) -> Dict[str, MeasurementListEntry]: """Retrieve the entries from the CANape Measurement list. :return: A `dict` of Measurement list entries that uses the object name of the entries as key """ entries = MeasurementListEntries() ptr = ctypes.pointer(ctypes.pointer(entries)) self._dll.Asap3GetMeasurementListEntries( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, ptr, ) entries = ptr.contents[0] res = {} for idx in range(entries.ItemCount): c_entry = entries.Entries[idx][0] mle = MeasurementListEntry( task_id=c_entry.taskId, rate=c_entry.rate, save_flag=c_entry.SaveFlag, disabled=c_entry.Disabled, object_name=c_entry.ObjectName.decode(RC["ENCODING"]), ) res[mle.object_name] = mle return res
[docs] def reset_data_acquisition_channels_by_module(self) -> None: """Clears the data acquisition channel list of a specific module. .. note:: this function only clears these measurement objects from the API-Measurement-List which are defined by API """ self._dll.Asap3ResetDataAcquisitionChnlsByModule( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, )
[docs] def release_module(self) -> None: self._dll.Asap3ReleaseModule( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, )
[docs] def execute_script_ex(self, script_file: bool, script: str) -> Script: """Execute a script file or a single script command. :param script_file: Declares interpretation of parameter script. If 'script_file' is true, parameter 'script' is interpreted as the file name of the script file to be executed. If 'script_file' is false, 'script' is interpreted as a single script command :param script: A script filename or a single script command :return: The instance of the Script class """ script_handle = TScriptHdl() self._dll.Asap3ExecuteScriptEx( self.asap3_handle, self.module_handle, script_file, script.encode(RC["ENCODING"]), ctypes.byref(script_handle), ) return Script( dll=self._dll, asap3_handle=self.asap3_handle, script_handle=script_handle )