Source code for pycanape.script

import ctypes
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

from .cnp_api import cnp_class, cnp_constants
from .cnp_api.cnp_constants import ASAP3_INVALID_MODULE_HDL
from .cnp_api.cnp_prototype import CANapeDll
from .config import RC

    from .module import Module

[docs] class Script: def __init__( self, dll: CANapeDll, asap3_handle: cnp_class.TAsap3Hdl, # type: ignore[valid-type] script_handle: cnp_class.TScriptHdl, ) -> None: """The :class:`~pycanape.script.Script` class is not meant to be instantiated by the user. Instead, :class:`~pycanape.script.Script` instances are returned by :meth:`~pycanape.module.Module.execute_script_ex`. :param asap3_handle: :param script_handle: """ self._dll = dll self.asap3_handle = asap3_handle self.script_handle = script_handle
[docs] def get_script_state(self) -> cnp_constants.TScriptStatus: """Returns the state of a script. :return: current state of the script """ scrstate = cnp_class.enum_type() max_size = ctypes.c_ulong(0) self._dll.Asap3GetScriptState( self.asap3_handle, self.script_handle, ctypes.byref(scrstate), None, ctypes.byref(max_size), ) return cnp_constants.TScriptStatus(scrstate.value)
[docs] def start_script( self, *, command_line: Optional[str] = None, current_device: Optional["Module"] = None, ) -> None: """Starts the script. :param command_line: Set a commandline for the script. :param current_device: Set a module as current_device. """ module_handle = ( current_device.module_handle if current_device else cnp_class.TModulHdl(ASAP3_INVALID_MODULE_HDL) ) _command_line = command_line.encode(RC["ENCODING"]) if command_line else None self._dll.Asap3StartScript( self.asap3_handle, self.script_handle, _command_line, module_handle, )
[docs] def stop_script(self) -> None: """Stop the script.""" self._dll.Asap3StopScript( self.asap3_handle, self.script_handle, )
[docs] def release_script(self) -> None: """Removes a declared script from the Tasklist. To receive the result you must use the 'SetScriptResult' in your CASL script.""" self._dll.Asap3ReleaseScript( self.asap3_handle, self.script_handle, )
[docs] def get_script_result_value(self) -> float: """Returns the exitcode of a script. :return: result value of the script """ val = ctypes.c_double() self._dll.Asap3GetScriptResultValue( self.asap3_handle, self.script_handle, ctypes.byref(val), ) return val.value
[docs] def get_script_result_string(self) -> str: """Returns a script result. :return: result string of the script """ length = ctypes.c_ulong() self._dll.Asap3GetScriptResultString( self.asap3_handle, self.script_handle, None, ctypes.byref(length), ) buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(length.value) self._dll.Asap3GetScriptResultString( self.asap3_handle, self.script_handle, buffer, ctypes.byref(length), ) return buffer.value.decode(RC["ENCODING"])